April’s Deal: Honey & Oatmeal Bundle!

April 4, 2012

It’s that time of year, where the weather changes from nasty to sunny (yay), but weather changes mean dry, flaky, itchy skin (boo). Luckily for you, our very own Prince Lorenzo Borghese is offering you one honey-sweet deal on his organic pet grooming products for dogs; namely the Honey and Oatmeal bundle.

What you get is a shampoo, conditioner and a bath spritz, so you can keep your dog looking, feeling and smelling good between those at-home grooming sessions.

The bundle usually sells for $58.95, but members get this bundle for only $34.95 (that’s a savings of $24!).

So go to Royal Pet Club right now and get your bargain of the month. Your dog will love you for it.